Duration: Late | Adaptability: Resistant to Helicoverpa and Tolerant to White fly | Boll Size: Medium | Rejuvenation ability: Existed. | Reaction to Pest: Resistant to Jassids, Helicoverpa and spodoptera. Tolerant to other sucking pests. | Fibre Quality: 2.5% Span length 32 - 34 mm , with strength of 22.0 - 22.5 g / tex | Yield per Hactor: Av 30 - 35 qtls , Maximum potential 45 qtls | Recommended For: Central , South and North Zone , for Kharif & summer.
Duration: Medium | Adaptability: Highly responsive heavy management | Boll Size: big | Rejuvenation ability: Heavy rejuvenation | Reaction to Pest: Tolerant to all major sucking pests, Helicoverpa and spodoptera. | Fibre Quality: 2.5% Span length 28.0 - 29.0 mm , with strength of 21.5 - 22.0 g / tex | Yield per Hactor: Av 38 - 42 qtls , Maximum potential 48 qtls | Recommended For: Central and South Zone , for Kharif & summer .
Duration: Medium | Adaptability: Wider | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Existed | Reaction to Pest: Tolerant to all major sucking pests, Helicoverpa and spodoptera. | Fibre Quality: 2.5% Span length 29 - 30mm , with strength of 22.5 - 23.5 g / tex | Yield per Hactor: Av 38 - 40 qtls , Maximum potential 45 qtls | Recommended For: Central , South and North Zone , for Kharif & summer .
Duration: Medium | Adaptability: Wider | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Existed | Reaction to Pest: Tolerant to all major sucking pests, Helicoverpa and spodoptera. | Fibre Quality: 2.5% Span length 27.0 - 28.0 mm , with strength of 21.0 - 22.0 g / tex | Yield per Hactor: Av 28 - 32 qtls , Maximum potential 38 qtls | Recommended For: Central , South and North Zone , for Kharif & summer.
Duration: Late | Adaptability: Suitable to dry climate and irrigated conditions . | Boll Size: Medium | Rejuvenation ability: Existed | Reaction to Pest: Resistant to Helicoverpa and spodoptera. Tolerant to White fly. | Fibre Quality: 2.5% Span length 33 - 36 mm , with strength of 23.5 - 25 g / tex | Yield per Hactor: Av 28 - 32 qtls , Maximum potential 38 qtls | Recommended For: Central and South Zone , for Kharif & summer.
Duration: Early | Adaptability: Dry climate & irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Good | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to CLCuD. | Fibre Quality: Long Staple -28.5 mm, strength 24-25 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 30-32 | Recommended For: North zone.
Duration: Early | Adaptability: Dry climate & irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Medium | Rejuvenation ability: Good | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to CLCuD. | Fibre Quality: Long Staple -27-28 mm, strength 25-25.5 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 32-34 | Recommended For: North zone.
Duration: Medium | Adaptability: Rainfed and irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Existed | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to Jassids. | Fibre Quality: Medium long-26-27 mm, medium strength 23-24 g/tex |Yield per Hactor: 34-36 | Recommended For: Central & South zone.
Duration: Early | Adaptability: Rainfed and irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Medium | Rejuvenation ability: Present | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to White fly. | Fibre Quality: Long staple 28.8- 30 mm, strength 21.5 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 32-35 | Recommended For: Central & South zone.
Duration: Medium | Adaptability: Rainfed and irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Good | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to Aphids & Jassids | Fibre Quality: Long Staple -28-29 mm, medium strength 22-24 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 35-38 | Recommended For: Central & South zone.
Duration: Early | Adaptability: Dry climate, under rainfed or irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Medium | Rejuvenation ability: Present | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to CLCuD | Fibre Quality: Long Staple -28-30 mm, medium strength 22-23 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 35-40 | Recommended For: Central & South zone.
Duration: Late | Adaptability: Suitable for premansoon sowing under irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Very Good | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to major sucking pests | Fibre Quality: Long Staple -29-30 mm, strength 22.12 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 32-35 | Recommended For: Central & South zone.
Duration: Early | Adaptability: Rainfed and irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Good | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to White fly. | Fibre Quality: Long staple 28 - 29 mm, strength 23-24 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 35-37 | Recommended For: Central & South zone.
Duration: Early | Adaptability: Under rainfed as well as irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Big | Rejuvenation ability: Very Good | Reaction to Pest: Tolerance to Jassids, whitefly and aphids | Fibre Quality: Long Staple -27-30 mm, medium strength 23-24 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: 37-40 | Recommended For: Central & South zone.
Duration: Medium | Adaptability: Rainfed or irrigated conditions | Boll Size: Medium | Rejuvenation ability: Present | Reaction to Pest: Resistant to common sucking pests | Fibre Quality: Long Staple -28-30 mm, medium strength 22-23 g/tex | Yield per Hactor: Q/ha-12-15 | Recommended For: Central zone.