Plant Height in CMS: 170-180 | Days to Maturity: Medium 82-90 | No siliqua on Main shoot: 35-40 | Siliqua Length in CMS: 4.5 | Seed Shape: Round | Features: Siliqua having more than 20 bold seed | Days to 50% Flowering: Early | Main Shoot length in CMS: 51-60 | Siliqua angle with Main shoot: Semi Appressed | Seed per Siliqua: More than 20 | Seed Colour: Yellow | Recommanded Area: UP, Uttaranchal, Bihar, WB & Jharkand.



Plant Height in CMS: 180-190 | Days to Maturity: 115-120 | No siliqua on Main shoot: 45-50 | Siliqua Length in CMS: 5-6 Seed Shape: Round | Features: Long Main Shoot with long Appressed to semi appressed Medium Bold seeded siliqua | Days to 50% Flowering: 43-46 | Main Shoot length in CMS: 70-75 | Siliqua angle with Main shoot: 20-30 | Seed per Siliqua: 14-16 | Seed Colour: Brown & Shiny | Recommanded Area: Rajasthan, Gujrat, MP, UP, Uttaranchal, Haryana, Bihar, WB & Punjab.



Plant Height in CMS: 110-115 | Days to Maturity: 110-105 | No siliqua on Main shoot: 45-50 | Siliqua Length in CMS: 4.5-5.0 | Seed Shape: Round | Days to 50% Flowering: 38-42 | Main Shoot length in CMS: 40-45 | Siliqua angle with Main shoot: 45-40 | Seed per Siliqua: 25-35 | Seed Colour: Yellow & Shiny.